Being prepared for emergencies and disasters is crucial. The following Emergency and Disaster Checklist can provide you with some information that you may find useful.
Different types of emergencies require specific actions.
Maintenance Emergencies
- Follow the maintenance instructions outlined here for situations like flooding, loss of heat, or gas issues.
- Contact us promptly when facing maintenance emergencies.
- Treat our staff courteously, understanding that they are working to assist you during stressful situations.
Area Emergencies or Disasters
- During major emergencies like storms, earthquakes, or other natural disasters, recognize that everyone is affected differently.
- Call emergency services first in a disaster, then inform us as soon as possible to report the situation.
- We will prioritize tasks and work to assist you during area emergencies or disasters.
- When contacting our office, be patient, and calmly communicate the problems you are experiencing. The team will address issues as quickly as possible.
By being prepared and understanding the appropriate steps to take, you contribute to a safer and more efficient response during emergencies and disasters. Your cooperation and patience are appreciated during challenging times.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.